Skirting board Arbiton - VIGO 80 WHITE 1

Skirting board of 80 mm in height perfectly mask dilatation gap. Thanks to flexible rubber seals at the top and bottom edge, VIGO is adhering smoothly to the wall and floor covering gaps caused by unevenness’s in wall or floor surface. Filling with silicone during installation is totally unnecessary with this skirting board. 15 mm of dilatation gap coverage will perfectly work with vinyl flooring. Also, thanks to its waterproofness is a perfect choice for this type of floor. Aesthetic and minimalistic accessories together with lack of special installation tools required the work with VIGO is fast and even beginners shouldn’t have any troubles. This skirting board will surprise you with its flexibility, which makes finishing even arched wall really simple.

Collectie: VIGO 80
Merk: Arbiton
Decor: Wit
Kleur: WIT
Kleurnummer: 1
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Belangrijkste eigenschappen:

Categorie Witte plinten
Naam Skirting board Arbiton - VIGO 80 WHITE 1
Technologie POLYMER
Hoogte (mm) 80
Dilatatievoeg (mm) 15
Lengte (cm) 220
EAN 5905167826478

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